Remkick wings

Remkick wings

Beitragvon itsandbits1 » Mo 13. Jun 2011, 01:26

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Zuletzt geändert von itsandbits1 am Di 21. Jun 2011, 18:17, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.
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Registriert: Sa 26. Mär 2011, 21:54

Re: Remkick wings

Beitragvon Bernd » Mo 13. Jun 2011, 08:02

Nice Video Lloyd. If i look to the trees over there i see that it was not very windy as you made the video.
The bulb is glowing all the time, really nice.
How did you tweak the alt for more power ?


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Registriert: So 4. Jan 2009, 10:26
Wohnort: nähe Braunschweig

Re: Remkick wings

Beitragvon itsandbits1 » Mo 13. Jun 2011, 08:36

the wind was maximum 8mph I think, and mostly 3-5 mph. I noticed that I could tighten up the rotor gap by putting spacers behind the magnet plate and putting the same amount of spacer between it and the rotor spacer band, I also had some issues with the thrust bearing race so had to put a steel carrier in there. I don't know if you have noticed what I have called Bremacles on the leading edge of one wing but I put them there to induce vortex and get lift over a longer arc of circumference by delaying stall. I think they absolutely work but need to take the wings off and test them in the wind tunnel individually. My wind tunnel is a furnace fan in the back of my freight truck. the box is 8ft x 8ft x 25ft long and I want to put a tension spring on them to see which one pulls harder.

this was taken after the lst one
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Registriert: Sa 26. Mär 2011, 21:54

Re: Remkick wings

Beitragvon Bernd » Mo 13. Jun 2011, 08:45

The idea with the vortex generators is interesting. Did you made the second video the same time
as you made the first one ? If you connect the two bulbs in parallel to the three batteries in series
an get the same voltage from the generator, than the power must be going up by two.
Also the ~18 Volt could be coming out of the batteries.


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Registriert: So 4. Jan 2009, 10:26
Wohnort: nähe Braunschweig

Re: Remkick wings

Beitragvon itsandbits1 » Mo 13. Jun 2011, 09:00

I did make the video at the same time. I noticed when I was making the first one that the power went up very quickly some times so I thought it might support two bulbs. I don't understand what you describe would prove? I don't really know what the results I show mean about the power production. I thought as long as the voltage reading across the batteries stayed level or went up while the lights were on that the alt had to be making at least that much power. Is this right or am I mistaken. I am also probably getting some heat losse in the 24 guage wire and the bulbs. I got the idea for the vortex inducers from the whale power idea
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Registriert: Sa 26. Mär 2011, 21:54

Re: Remkick wings

Beitragvon Bernd » Mo 13. Jun 2011, 09:20

Ok, i thought you connected the second bulb because you got more voltage after puting on
the vortex inducers. Also you can measure the amps that are going out of the alternator.
That might be the best way to determine how much power is actually produced.


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Registriert: So 4. Jan 2009, 10:26
Wohnort: nähe Braunschweig

Re: Remkick wings

Beitragvon itsandbits1 » Mo 13. Jun 2011, 16:37

Hi Bernd
No, when I get an idea I just have to go and build and do it and sometimes I forget to document the steps and am even lucky to get any usefull information to pass on to anyone. :D I thought I documented this one really well but I was only thinking of one thing, how well it seemed to work :D using the swept area of 42 inches 1.07M x 50 inch 1.27M, I calculated that the power it was generating was above excellent for the wind speed. I did hook the wires for the lights directly to the diodes when the wind was blowing around 3-4mps and the mill supported them.
I called the vortex inducers Bremacles after a combination of barnecles; because they look like them, and my last name. I have looked every where for a similar type of thing and there is none so I think I have the right to do that but I'll keep looking and if anyone comes up with a previous usage of this idea I will defer to it. Someone had the idea to make them from silicon so they would bend easier bu that would make them harder to attach also.
Any one with some ideas or critiques is appreciated,
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Registriert: Sa 26. Mär 2011, 21:54

Re: Remkick wings

Beitragvon Bernd » Mo 13. Jun 2011, 17:10

May be you can put the epoxid bremacles on a big tube where you have put on some sand paper on.
So you can give them by sanding the bremacles the needed diameter to better fit on your wings.
I like the idea to use this new parts, but i think the effect, if positiv or negativ, has to be prove
by using the wings with and without it under the same conditions.
I think they could beware the wings from getting to fast into stall.


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Registriert: So 4. Jan 2009, 10:26
Wohnort: nähe Braunschweig

Re: Remkick wings

Beitragvon itsandbits1 » Mo 13. Jun 2011, 20:44

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Zuletzt geändert von itsandbits1 am Di 21. Jun 2011, 18:19, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 28
Registriert: Sa 26. Mär 2011, 21:54

Re: Remkick wings

Beitragvon itsandbits1 » Di 21. Jun 2011, 04:13

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Beiträge: 28
Registriert: Sa 26. Mär 2011, 21:54


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